

Smoking Kid

Anak kecil merokok
Adults know that smoking is harmful, but don't remind themselves of this fact.
Orang dewasa tahu jika merokok itu berbahaya, tapi tidak mengingatkan diri mereka sendiri atas kenyataan ini
How would they feel when a child smokes?
Bagaimana yang akan mereka rasakan ketika anak kecil merokok?

Child: Can i got the light?

Adult: Really? i'm not giving it to you
Adult: Smoking is bad, you have to stop
Adult: Cigarretes contain insectiside
Adult: You look old when you smoke

Every adult reminded the children that smoking is bad
Setiap orang dewasa mengingatkan anak-anak bahwa merokok itu buruk

Adult: If you smoke, you die faster, don't you want to live and play?
Adult: When you smoke you suffer from lung cancer, emphysema and strokes
Child: So why are you smoking?

But did they forget something themselves?
Tetapi apakah mereka lupa sesuatu tentang diri mereka?

You worry about myself. But why not about yourself?

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